the best

Creation of websites

Creation of websites

Mobile development

Mobile development

Internet marketing

Internet marketing

Technical support

Technical support

Learn whether your website is ready
for promotion

Leave the request for free audit of your website.

We will check if it ready for update on technical and marketing points of view.

respect report

  • Золотой сертифицированный партнер 1С: Битрикс
  • Компетенция Композитный сайт
    Компетенция 1С Интеграция
  • Участник программы качества внедрений
    Facebook Marketing Partner
  • Cертифицированное агентство Яндекс.Директ Cертифицированный партнер Google Adwords

How the selling online projects
are born

  • 01
    All begins with your request.
  • 02
    Then we meet and discuss project details (it is possible to pass this step if you'll independently fill a brief).
  • 03
    We calculate everything and propose the solution with the prices and terms.
  • 04
    You agree, and we carry out the analysis of competitors, number marketing requirements to the project, on an output we receive here such a technical prototype.
  • 05
    We will coordinate details and we do the modern design (several concepts are possible).
  • 06
    We do the adaptive imposition and programming.
  • 07
    We fill your website with content and goods.
  • 08
    Than we test and meet the project schedule.

Check quality of
our operation

Leave the request for free audit of your competitors on romotion of your website.

  • The cost of development
    40 000 rub.
    The cost of a website development depends on its complexity and the number of services which enter the concept "development of the website". It is possible to give several starting points for cost calculation: Lending from 40 000 rub, Corporative website from 80 000 rub. Online store from 150 000 rub. For obtaining the personal offer (example), please, leave the request.
  • Step-by-step
    As for the development of sites, the whole work is divided into several stages, usually 4-5. You make 100% prepayment for the step and get the final result; each stage is come up to the end by an act of completed work. Than the next step is proceeding.
  • 1 year
    for all
    First of all, we work under contracts and guarantee the total amount of our services upon them and the terms of rendering. In addition, we give a 1-year warranty on our work. This means that if you find an error at the site we created, inaccuracies in the text, an incorrect image, an incorrect advertising creative or an announcement, we will correct them for free within 1 year after signing the acts.
  • Getting
    from search
    Transitions from search engines are the cheapest way to find interested customers for your business in the long term. If you immediately lay down the necessary mechanisms for good indexing, then you will receive a conditionally free and constant source of customers some time after the site launch.
  • Getting
    of the created
    Marketing analysis is one of the most important stages in the site development. Together with you we fill in a special questionnaire (brief) that helps to understand the features of your business, your target audience, to identify your strengths and formulate the USP. In addition, we analyze your competitors and collect interesting solutions on their sites and we recommend you some of them; this analysis also applies to foreign websites